It’s all in sight.


Healthcare Screenings & Personal Assistance


With our portable screening technology for both vision and hearing, local Lions Clubs and other trained volunteers provide free health screenings for daycare facilities, schools, the general public, retirement homes, businesses, and more. Over the years, we’ve provided thousands of free health screenings for children, the elderly, and community members struggling with financial hardships. Contact Envision to schedule a community vision & hearing screening at 208-388-5466.


Our surgery assistance fund helps people pay for cataract surgeries, corneal transplants, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachments, glaucoma, and more. When individuals feel the effects of economic hardship and lack of insurance, we’re able to alleviate some of the burden by providing services free of charge—thanks to the donations of community members.

Our programs allow people to return to work, reach their full potential in school, and live their lives to the fullest. If you or a loved one is in need of a health screening or personal assistance contact Envision at 208-388-5466.


 “The sky is blue, not brownish grey”

"Thank you so much for giving me back my sight. I am now able to see 20/20. The sky is blue, not brownish grey. Everything is clear and crisp. I will let others know of your kindness and how helpful you have been. It has changed my life so much."

Cataract surgery assistance recipient - Salmon, Idaho